Cross Pilot Project

We have engaged in discussions with our partner, ECTI (Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Communications and Information Technology Association located in Thailand), who have endorsed the approach of targeting staff members associated with their organization. Specifically, we are identifying individuals within the ECTI network who are seeking training in process control. In order to maximize the effective utilization of our project outcomes, we are in the process of extending invitations to a group of educators outside of the network. They are being invited to partake in our cross-pilot project. This initiative adds substantial value to our project. The participation in the cross-pilot project will come at no cost to the participants, with only travel and accommodation expenses being covered.

To ensure accessibility and practicality, the cross-pilot project’s location will be organized at Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. The cross-pilot project encourages participants to engage in knowledge sharing, facilitating meaningful interactions and fostering connections among attendees. This well-rounded approach ensures that the day’s activities encompass a range of informative, participatory, and collaborative experiences. Following the conclusion of the project, the network of competencies that has been developed based on the project’s results will be made available. This network will be accessible to ECTI members. Additionally, non-partner institutions will also have access through membership registration. This collaborative process ensures that access is equitable and aligned with the project’s goals.

Collaborations with Automotive Industry

The primary goal of the automotive report is to establish collaborative partnerships with initiatives focused on automotive 4.0, with the aim of amplifying the influence of ASEAN Factori 4.0 accomplishments. This involves coordinating roundtable discussions, facilitating vocational training sessions, conducting extensive company surveys, visiting company relating to automotive, and hosting cross-pilot project meetings in Thailand. To acquire comprehensive insights, each partner employ surveys and vocational training questionnaires within their country, ensuring a thorough understanding of perspectives and experiences in the realm of automotive 4.0 initiatives.